Annual Physicals

Annual Physicals

What to look out for in Annual Physicals?

Internal medicine focuses on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases of the internal organs. A physical examination is an important part of any doctor’s appointment. Surprisingly, a routine physical does not have any absolutes. A skilled doctor conducting Annual Physicals will spend time listening to your problems and giving therapy for your specific issues and risk factors, whether they are extensive or quick. The Annual Physical Checkup is an ideal opportunity to emphasize your efforts on preventative measures and comprehensive health monitoring.

Annual physicals in Atlanta typically include an assessment of medical history, vitals, a heart, and lung exam, a neurological exam, and a dermatological check. These tests are meant to screen for potential ailments so that they can be addressed as soon as feasible. It also helps to identify any problems that may develop into medical difficulties in the future. A physical exam may also be performed by your doctor prior to surgery or the start of therapy for a medical issue.

Medical History – The doctor will evaluate your health depending on your lifestyle choices, such as smoking, excessive alcohol usage, sexual health, food, and exercise. Furthermore, the doctor will review your immunization status and update your medical history.

Vitals – These examinations are also useful for determining cholesterol, hypertension, and blood sugar levels. These levels may be elevated without you exhibiting any noticeable symptoms. Routine screening helps your primary care provider to treat these issues before they worsen.

Your doctor will examine the following vitals:

  • Blood pressure: A normal blood pressure reading is less than 120/80. High blood pressure (hypertension) is defined by doctors as 130/80 or above.
  • Monitor your heart rate: A heart rate of 60 to 100 beats per minute is considered normal. However, many healthy adults have heart rates that are lower than 60 beats per minute.
  • Respiration: A healthy adult’s respiration rate ranges between 12 and 16 breaths per minute. A respiration rate of 20 times per minute may indicate heart or lung disease.
  • Temperature: The typical resting temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit; however, healthy persons might have resting temperatures that are somewhat higher or lower.

Heart and Lung Exam – The doctor uses a stethoscope to listen to the heartbeat for any abnormalities, murmurs, or other signs of a heart ailment. The doctor looks for wheezes, uneven breathing noises, or crackles in the lungs. Any of these symptoms might point to heart or lung disorders.

Neurological Exam – Muscular strength, balance and coordination, sensation, cranial nerves, reflexes, and mental status are all thoroughly examined during the neurological exam to rule out or identify a group of disorders.

Dermatological Exam – The examination of the skin is an essential component of the conventional physical exam. This evaluation consists of a comprehensive examination of the entire body’s skin. It focuses on aberrant skin signs such as the scalp, orifices, nails, and mucosal surfaces. Dermatologic anomalies might be the result of a localized process or systemic sickness.

Aside from this, abdominal exams are conducted to determine the liver size and the presence of abdominal fluid by tapping the abdomen, as well as monitoring bowel health by listening to bowel noises. Monitoring the pulses in your arms and legs, as well as the joints, allows for the analysis of physical and sensory alterations.

If the doctor considers it necessary, you may be requested to perform specific tests during your yearly exams, such as urine or blood tests, as well as an ECG. It is only recommended if the doctor discovers any irregularities in the initial analysis that need to be clarified. If you don’t have any chronic problems and are in good health, wellness checks every year or every two years are optimal.

Why Annual Physicals?

Getting a physical check-up is one of the finest strategies to ensure your personal fitness and health each year. Instead of waiting until you’re suddenly ill to see a doctor, an annual physical exam is a vital, proactive, and preventative activity. It allows your Primary care provider in detecting any medical concerns at an early stage, or just reassure you that you are in excellent health.

Ayuh Wellness Center in Atlanta focuses on offering holistic healthcare services, which are overseen by our Internal Medicine Doctor Bindu Alexander. The exam also allows you to discuss any persistent discomfort or symptoms you’re having, as well as any other health concerns you may have. People who have annual physicals think about their personal health every time they see the doctor. Even if they are in good health, they are advised to evaluate their health and open up about whether they have any health concerns

Furthermore, going to the doctor serves as a reminder to maintain good lifestyle patterns. If you see your doctor on a frequent basis, it will be simpler to remind yourself to eat sensibly, workout, and take care of yourself